
Van helsing season 2 episode 5
Van helsing season 2 episode 5

van helsing season 2 episode 5

Continue Reading Here.ĭmitri sits across a table from Dr. Continue Reading Here.ĭmitri is interrupted by one of the doctors as he feeds from his sister, he learns that "the girl" does in fact exists and that there are rumors of her turning vampires into humans, and that Julius even has her in his possession. He demands to know where the blood came from, after receiving the information needed, Dmitri sends the guy away, but not before scaring him so drastically that he urinated his pants. Once this vampire arrives, Dmitri almost immediately notices something is off, he soon realized that his man has been turned back into a human. He has grown to respect at least one of them, despite that, they are destined to always be enemies.ĭmitri awaits the arrival of one of his men, who was supposed to be making a delivery. Within those three centuries, he's become very familiar with the Van Helsing family, a royal bloodline of vampire hunters. some time after becoming a vampire, he turned Julius. He and his sister, Antonasia have been vampires for around 300 years.

van helsing season 2 episode 5

There's currently very little detailed information of Dmitri's past, regarding his life prior to The Rising. As she could end vampire dominance, she must be stopped at any cost.” Biography For Dmitri, one of the most powerful vampires in the post-rising world, that threat is Vanessa Helsing.

van helsing season 2 episode 5

“To truly build and maintain an empire, one must eliminate all threats to power.

Van helsing season 2 episode 5